Wadzanai Kiwanuka is playing a pivotal role in reshaping the entrepreneurial landscape in Zimbabwe, particularly by focusing on the often-overlooked segment of women. Despite their significant contribution to economic development, women in the business world have faced persistent underrepresentation. In Zimbabwe, we see instances where women have risen to the helm of economic powerhouses, only to find themselves lagging in terms of recognition and support.
Mrs Kiwanuka stands out as a leading advocate for women in business, spearheading community Entrepreneurs Get Together events that serve as empowering platforms for women. Through various training workshops and mentorship programs, she facilitates connections between women entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals. This approach provides invaluable advice, support, and networking opportunities, helping women navigate challenges and enhance their entrepreneurial skills.
Entrepreneurs Get Together is not just about business skills; it also emphasises skill development. Whether it’s leadership training, technical skill enhancement, or soft skills such as negotiation and communication, the initiative promotes continuous learning.
Mrs Kiwanuka underscores the importance of inclusivity in the workplace. She encourages entrepreneurs to actively promote diversity, foster open dialogue, address biases, and implement policies combating discrimination at all levels. In a country where women dominate the informal sector and contribute significantly to industries like cross-border trade, clothing, and food, she emphasises the need for support for these women.
Despite their central role in the economy, Zimbabwean women often lack the support they need. Empowering women is crucial for community and societal development. Women not only bring positive changes to areas like health and education but are also key contributors to overall societal well-being.
Recognising that women’s empowerment is a broad goal, she stresses the importance of acknowledging and addressing the specific struggles faced by different subgroups of women. Young women, for instance, may encounter challenges in professional settings, ranging from not being taken seriously to contending with stereotypes that limit their potential. Balancing professional aspirations with societal gender roles and safety concerns further compounds these challenges.
Mrs Kiwanuka’s commitment to championing change is evident. With ample support, her influence is poised to extend across the country, inspiring and motivating women to assert themselves as visible entrepreneurs. As a successful businesswoman, she is not just changing the narrative for herself; she is creating a ripple effect, empowering other women to become business leaders, bosses, and inspirational figures in various industries. This transformation is nothing short of a game-changer in reshaping the role of women in African business leadership.