Master Wilfred Mashaya, renowned as the Zim Ninja and reigning Kobudo World Champion, has achieved yet another milestone by becoming the first Zimbabwean to serve on the jury for the esteemed WNA Golden Combo Tournament. With a plethora of martial arts accolades under his belt, Master Mashaya’s selection as a judge testifies to his exceptional skills, particularly in the use of the Nunchaku, also known as Chuckle Sticks.
The World Nunchaku Association (WNA), established in 1996 by Milco Lambrecht in the Netherlands, orchestrates this prestigious tournament under the expert guidance of Master Otto Koedooder. The WNA Golden Combo Tournament, a highly anticipated online nunchaku freestyle competition, attracts participants from around the globe to showcase their prowess within 25-35 seconds.
Master Mashaya’s induction into numerous martial arts Hall of Fames worldwide and his extensive collection of international titles highlight his significance as an influential figure in the martial arts sport. His appointment to the panel of judges for this tournament brings a distinct African perspective, further elevating the competition’s diversity and prestige.
In a letter addressed to Master Mashaya, Master Koedooder lauds Mashaya’s impeccable reputation and exceptional nunchaku skills as pivotal factors in his selection. Expressing gratitude for the opportunity, Master Mashaya recognises the significance of his appointment, emphasising its recognition of his contributions to martial arts on an international scale, and showcasing Zimbabwe’s athletic potential.
The tournament anticipates participation from over 35 countries worldwide. Registration opens on April 1st, with the qualification round deadline set for May 1st, 2024. The top 30 contenders will advance to the finals, scheduled for September 1st, 2024.
The Nunchaku Weapon, popularised by the legendary Bruce Lee, continues to captivate enthusiasts worldwide, evolving into a fascinating discipline and sport specialising in this unique weapon. Master Mashaya’s involvement in the tournament further cements the Nunchaku’s prominence in the martial arts community locally and across the globe.